Pet Adoption Inspiration: A Feline Heart Odyssey in Asturias.

Miranda, the Asturian Cat Who Conquered Our Hearts in Belmonte

Pet Adoption Inspiration

A Feline Adventure in the Mountains That Changed Our Lives

Pet Adoption or Human Adoption?

Have you ever felt like a pet chooses you, rather than the other way around? Our story with Miranda, our adorable tortoiseshell cat, is proof that sometimes, animals enter our lives in the most unexpected ways.

The Encounter in Belmonte

It all began during a relaxing trip to the mountains of Belmonte, in Asturias. While exploring the trails and forests of the area, we came across a small kitten who seemed to have adopted us at first sight. With her tender gaze and soft fur, she won our hearts instantly. Despite the distance and obstacles, Miranda followed us for miles, demonstrating a heartwarming loyalty.

A Difficult Decision

The decision to bring Miranda home with us was not easy. We had never had a cat before and didn’t know how she would adapt to our lives. However, the affection we felt for her and the insistence of the locals, who assured us that the kitten had already chosen her new home, convinced us.

Miranda, the Traveler

Miranda became our adventure companion. We took her for walks on the beach, where she played with the sand and water, and explored other mountains together.

A Name with a Story

When we returned home, we needed to find the perfect name for our new friend. It was during a trip through Asturias that we found inspiration. As we passed a sign that read “Welcome to Belmonte de Miranda,” we knew we had found the ideal name. Miranda, like the region that had given us this wonderful encounter.

cat day


Our experience with Miranda taught us that animals are capable of giving us unconditional love. Sometimes, they are the ones who choose us and show us the way. Miranda is not only our pet but also a member of our family. Her arrival in our lives was a gift we cherish every day.


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